Arriving by Bus:
Take Bus Balut, from San Salvador de Jujuy Libertador.
Then take Bus La Veloz del Norte, from Salta to Libertador.
Then take A Remis (taxi) to Termas de Caimancito (cost approx.
$ 80)
Or consult Tel. 3886-15650699
Here in the heart of the Jujuy Yungas, you will find it the
Spa Complex Caimancito.
We are an hour and a half drive from Jujuy and from Salta two hours.
The distance from San Salvador de Jujuy is 150 km. and 195 km from
Salta Capital.
are located 40 km. Libertador Gral. San Martin and the entrance to the
National Park Calilegua National Route 34 and then Provincial Route No.
1, all paved.
We are only 30 minutes from the city of Libertador
General San Martin in the province of Jujuy in Argentina and 120 km. to
the closest airport located in San Salvador de Jujuy, capital
the province.